This was quite a new experience for me: traveling with a carry-on suitcase and a backpack. It was challenging to consolidate two weeks worth of clothing, but it was all worth it considering the train, ferry and airplane travel. Also, a few of the hotels didn’t have elevators, so up I trudged with my bag. I did get a little weary of some of my choices, but all and all I was pleased. My one tip is that whenever you are moving (plane or train), dress like an immigrant with as much on you as possible- definitely makes for a lighter suitcase.
The best:
- Kuhl rain jacket: water repellant and light- it didn’t make me sweat.
- Merrell cross training sneakers- perfect for hiking and city walks.
- NYDJ jeans in light blue and black.
- Lululemon camouflage jacket.
- Mel and Lisa black tee-shirt.
- Peach Nike pullover in thin, wicking fabric.
- Green and black scarf- wore with everything.
- Black skirt/harem pant- going out looked great and were practical.
- Black Beautifeel slip-ons- comfy and worked great.
- Black thin vest- great to dress up and to layer for warmth
- Green jacket/blazer dressed up jeans.
- Brown puffer- life saver.
- Olive green and orange wicking tees.
- My pearls- even though I was casual, I felt more put together because they gave me a little “something”.

The Okay
- Black skort
- Paul Green sneakers- could have just worn the Merrell sneakers
- The matching tee to the Nike pullover- redundant
- The orange scarf- didn’t need
- Black shorts- really too chilly
- Black travel pants in thin fabric- fine when the temps were warm, but useless when it was chilly or rainy.
- Long sleeved shirt- didn’t use as much as I thought I would
- Green Lysee shirt- it is synthetic and picked up food odor.

Should have left behind
- A pink and black striped shirt- wasn’t warm or versatile enough
- Black warm sweater- it wasn’t cold enough most of the time and when it was, it was too bulky. I would have done better with a smart wool layer. Should have trusted my puffer.
- Green sweater vest- it was too warm as a sweater and not warm enough by itself.