Observing street fashion in Paris is always great sport. You can see the unusual, sometimes the bizarre and mostly the beautiful (all in one block). Parisian’s take their dressing very seriously. Everyone seems to make a big effort and spends much energy on their appearance. I did observe some common threads: great coats and sweaters, interesting shoes, attention to detail and fit and more than adequate grooming. Most of all there is a great enthusiasm to embrace new styles and trends. (What I didn’t see were gals wearing yoga pants) Enjoy the sights…
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Scarves: Always a great way to finish any outfit!
Plaid: It seemed that everyone was wearing something plaid.
Metallic: Shiny jackets, metallic shoes & skirts.
Gold: Pops of the bright color were everywhere!
Denim: Popular world over…
Black: What else can I say?
Mom’s and their kids: One of the things I noticed this week (it was fall break in Paris) was the care the mom’s took in their children’s clothing. The kids were super cute!
Bare legs and tights: A little of this and a little of that.
Fur: Glamour- it really wasn’t that cold!
Hats: Interesting (and yes they still wear berets).
Skirts: I saw gals wearing shorts and tights and knee length skirts. What seems to be the “newer” look is the long knife pleated.
Leopard: Some looked great and some looked garish- you be the judge.
Long coats: Everyone walks in Paris, so your coat is a very important part of your wardrobe.
Stylin’ on the way to work
Shoes: Ankle boots, tall boots, high boots and sleek tennis shoes- not too many heels- EXCEPT for this pair (seen on the Metro)!