There is much joy to be had in dressing, well, joyfully. After a year in isolation wearing sweats, it seems natural to add some color and some whimsical designs to your wardrobe. It’s actually called “Dopamine Dressing”. Dopamine dressing has long been the subject of psychological research. To understand the concept, says Maria Costantino, a lecturer in cultural and historical studies at the London College of Fashion, “dopamine is a type of neurotransmitter that releases feelings of pleasure.” She continues, “that confidence and happiness increases when people wear favorite colors or clothing that has symbolic value.”
Favorite colors are a definitely a personal preference. Think about what you love and add more of your favorites to your wardrobe- colors that remind you of happy times or have positive personal associations. Bright yellow, radiant blue, soft green or cheerful purple can increase happiness levels. Wearing the right colors boosts your self-confidence.
Soft cotton, cashmere or smooth silk are great choices: soft and luxurious.
Think ruffles, flounces, long skirts, full legs- have some fun with your designs.
Belts, earrings, colorful necklaces will always make you happy. You might even want to wear a hat.
Try on clothes and use the Marie Kondo effect. Close your eyes and think, “Does this outfit actually ‘spark joy’ and simply wear more of what makes you happier. Sometimes it is as easy as that. Don’t push colors that may be popular, but don’t look good on you. Think about what you associate with confidence and joy and then wear it!
With “Dopamine Dressing” not only the aesthetics are right, but also the vibe because this new fashion trend 2021 simply suits everyone – and even makes happy! You could even say that “Dopamine Dressing” is good for your health.