There was a definitely a more rustic look the clothing this fall: more rugged jackets, plaid scarves, deluxe hiking boots (that will never see a hike), fur collars and of coarse an abundance of gold.
- Yellow/gold sweaters, jeans, shoes & scarves are everywhere.
- Ankle boots more than tall boots and the boots have a lot of hardware
- Fur collars were abundant
- Legs were either bare or in tights.
- Ankle pants and quite a bit of vinyl/plether leggings.
- Animal prints not as prevalent
- Replaced by plaid and tweed
- Cross body handbags were dominant… gone were the big status handbags.
- Watch out! Scooters everywhere.
- Probably the most disturbing trend was the amount of smoking. It appears that the cancer message has not been received by the Parisian’s. C’est dommage!
Scooters everywhere